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Product Guide
  • Overview
  • Features
  • Diagrams

With your Overture Series switcher, only one reference generator will do: Echolab’s SyncGenerator! All high-quality video production studios should have a reliable analog black burst and SDI black reference as their genlock solution. SyncGenerator provides a reliable genlock signal for all your analog and digital devices.
Fixed Desktop Frame
Desktop - (1RU rack mount ears included) Echolab SyncGenerator with 4 SDI Black outputs, 4 composite Black and Burst outputs, and a looping reference input.

Analog and Digital Video SyncGenerator with Expandable Frame (1RU)
Echolab SyncGenerator with 4 SDI Black outputs, 4 composite Black and Burst outputs, and a looping reference input. Provides future expansion opportunities to hold up to 6 cards and 6 rear modules for distribution amplifiers, aspect ratio converters and other cards.

Echolab SyncGenerator
The Echolab SyncGenerator will output both an analog and serial digital reference. The SyncGenerator may be operated as a free running source for studio reference, or locked to an existing analog reference signal. The output delay of the SyncGenerator is adjustable up to two fields. The output can be in blue or black, and in NTSC or PAL formats.

The serial digital output has very low output jitter both when used with a stable analog reference and when used in free-run mode. The minimum delay between the input reference and output is only 2μs.

The main features are as follows:
• Operates in free-run or synchronized modes
• Selectable black or blue output
• Up to four simultaneous Serial Digital and four Composite outputs
• Output timing up to two field’s adjustment from analog reference input
• 50 ppm free running accuracy

The Echolab SyncGenerator has two modes of operation, free-run and synchronized. In synchronized mode the unit takes its timing from the analog external reference (studio signal) and will automatically lock its output to this. It is then possible to add a delay of between 0 and 2 fields in lines and pixels to the output reference with respect to the external reference.

In free-run mode the output reference is timed to an accurate on board clock generator. Switching between free running and synchronizer mode is automatic when the external reference is added or removed.

System Overview with OvertureSD Switchers and MixedFormat Devices
The SyncGenerator is certified for use with all dual format OvertureSD switchers. Using SyncGenerator as the master genlock signal for the video production system is the ideal way to ensure that all analog and digital devices have stable and synchronized genlock signals in analog black and burst or SDI black formats. In this confi guration, the switcher and up to 3 devices can use the SDI black signal as a genlock signal and up to 4 devices can use the analog black and burst signal as their genlock signal. In this model, the system should be confi gured in the following manner.

The OvertureSD switcher internally converts the analog video siginal to a digital video signal. The SyncGenerator provides an analog and digital representation of the genlock signal that is in time with the video signal from the analog and digital devices. In this configuration, no additional analog to digital conversion gear is required and the genlock, analog and digital video signals are synchronized.